Monday, November 2, 2009

Sweater Planning

One of my absolutely favorite shows is Firefly which is a scifi show and is totally awesome and everyone should watch it even if you aren't a scifi person.  The show stands up on it's own as a good show - scifi or otherwise.  Go rent it, netflix it or get it whatever way you get shows.

So the design for my Aran Sweater is inspired by this show and the main cable panel on the front, back and the sleeves looks like the ship - as much as a pretty cable can look like a ship.  The sweater is actually modeled after a sweater that a character wears on the show.  The details can be found here.

This will be my first geek project!  I know Jayne's Hat (from the same show) is a much smaller and quicker project but i just like the thought of doing this one more.  First because Jayne's Hat requires me to order more yarn for it in appropriate colors and second because i dont see myself wearing a bright orange hat - no matter how geeky awesome it is!  I will definitely still knit one of these but probably not anytime soon.

1 comment:

rohanknitter said...

That is going to be AWESOME!