Wednesday, October 28, 2009

A blah moment?

This has been a blah sort of week for crafting for me.  I find myself spending all my time on the computer doing anything from browsing youtube to Ravelry and yet nothing on my projects.  Granted its been a bit of a mess at home but I'm waiting for Mom to remove her things out of my storage space so I can sort things out.  I may end up pulling her things out as it is the only way she will look at them.  Once I have breathing room again, I'm certain I'll get my mojo back.

Tonight is SnB night.  I am bringing my blanket and pjs (if I can find them) only.  Oh yea, btw, Jenna has been talking about her sewing stuff so much that I've been considering learning to sew.  Evil Jenna!  So now I'm thinking of sewing flannel pjs patterned after the black and white ones that I have.  I have to find them though since they probably got put away with the summer stuff.  All I can see is yet another stash building up!  yikes!!!

I went out with Heather last night (unexpectedly) and she showed me some cool new yarn she picked up at Stitches East.  I never made it to Stitches East so it was nice to see some of the yarn.  I guess she's really into novelty yarns.  Here's a cool one she had:

I found out that Stitches East will be held in Hartford again for the next two years so I guess its not so bad that I skipped this year.  I hope I've used up most of the current stash by then though.  Honestly, I need to finish at least one project, and SOON!!!

Speaking of which, I picked up the vendor cards for the Shoppe as I said I would and have to put together notes for each one because i'm meeting Terri tomorrow.  I need to do the print outs and stapling as I'd planned and it's gotta get done tonight at some point - so many things to do today!  In payment, I'm getting a bunch of Blithe yarn - which is baby camel and OH SO SOFT!

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